ヘンリー・メイコウ が元記事から削った箇所

By Brian David Andersen

要約はHenry Makow が取り上げている。 April 21, 2008

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Henry Makow が元記事から削った箇所

No bombs were dropped on the military target of Hiroshima

during the bombing of Japan

by the direct orders of GeneralCurtis LeMay.

Why not?


①the EMD (electromagnetic detonations ) was being constructed

②any bombing would have destroyed the triggers and other materials.

③The bombings also had the risk of killing key Jesuit physicists

such as Wilhelm Kliensorge S.J.

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Jesuit Weapons of Mass Destruction

For over 100 years the Jesuits have controlled the powerful electromagnetic field (EMF) devices of Nikola Tesla whose father had full access to ancient manuscripts in the Vatican Library.

The Jesuit/Tesla EMF devices provided to the United States, Russia and other nations are used to control weather, cause earthquakes and conduct covert communications and surveillance such as High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP).

The HAARP program has a large facility based in Alaska but there are also countless electromagnetic emitting hardwares in the upper atmosphere and outer-space.

Russia is by far the leader in Jesuit space-based weather manipulating satellites for hire by cities during special events. Jesuit EMF devices were the true source (not Uranium & Plutonium) for the massive detonations, destructions and mushroom clouds over Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

How ground based electromagnetic detonations (EMDs) dominated by the Jesuits occurred in two Japanese cities for over 300 years is a truly fascinating string of facts and evidence.

The radiation poisonings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were caused by airbursting conventional ordinance weapons fully loaded with only Uranium (Hiroshima) and Plutonium (Nagasaki).

Fat Man and Little Boy were dirty bombs that, when dropped by airplanes, exploded at high altitudes over the cities causing very little physical damage to structures. The high altitude radioactive explosions were the signals for the low to nonradioactive, ground-based, Jesuit EMDs to be initiated with the ensuing mass destructions and created mushroom clouds

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元記事: Check Out The Facts & Evidence
pg.28 http://mygodimhit.com/jboys.pdf (PDF)


The stated goals of the Jesuits are to crush the protestant reformation and put all humans on Earth under the rule of the Vatican Pope. This reality is not a conspiracy theory but a fact. Check out the facts and evidence.

The Jesuit experimental targets for extermination in the 1960s were Buddhists...the real Jesuit targets for extermination during the first part of the 21st Century are Moslems sects who will refuse to convert to the Catholic faith after the New World Order has been installed.

Once more, public ignorance and brainwashing and blind obedience by the military services of the United States are serving the desires and goals of the Jesuits and the Vatican. How long will this madness continue?

The Jesuits are the true master terrorists
with the most powerful weapons of mass destruction on Earth.

Families Search for Truth of Spain’s ‘Lost Children’
February 28, 2009 The New York Times

Catholic schools and the welfare system known as Social Aid became a machine for political reorientation. Social Aid children led a life of fascist doctrine, harsh discipline and Catholic ritual, Ms. Cenarro said...Judge Garzón wrote, “There was a ‘legalized’ disappearance of minors, who lost their identity, and whose number remains uncertain.

続き... 日本の踏み絵--【イエズス会】を語れ(踏め)ない

ヘンリー・メィコウ氏は なぜイエズス会について語らないのか?

The reason I have overlooked Zagami until now is that he suggests Illuminati power resides in the Vatican with the Jesuits.

I maintain that that the world central banking cartel, headed by the Rothschilds, calls the shots. They use Freemasons, Zionists, Jesuits, Vatican, Socialists, Liberals, Communists, Feminist and Gay activists, Neo Cons, all intelligence agencies, media, foundations etc. to exercise control.

But it would be stupid to continue to overlook Zagami's invaluable testimony over an academic disagreement. I don't think Zagami lets the Zionists off the hook. He merely focuses on what he knows first-hand. -- Henry Makow


This is why I call Dr. Henry Makow a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor.

With his vast education, to believe that a mere Jewish family could command the international assassination team known as the Jesuits commanding the pope's Vatican Empire is quite out of the question. He is no honest researcher.

Thus, he must be just another MIchael Collins Piper, Webster Tarpley, Texe Marrs and a host of other "blame the Jews" neo-fascists.What a waste of talent and ability. -- ERIC PHELPS

(注) Ericの指摘は「正」しくとも、
人種間の軋轢を生む 彼のradio番組
Alberto Rivera was a Jesuit priest.
His job: infiltrate Protestant ministries and destroy them.
Eric の「役割」は「こちら側」に入り「紛争」を巻き起こすことだろう。